Rounding numbers in fields/lists

I tried to extend this example to do two things: 1: Right justify the numbers by adding CSS text align to the field. Works fine 2: Remove the currency prefix by changing CURRENCY displaytype to DOUBLE. Works partly. The changing of displaytype works but not on the first row of the table. Why? And is there a better way to do this? If i edit the row and close it the currency prefix disappears but on refresh it appears again on the first row. Since the entire table is in one currency it just clutters the display to show this in every cell. Modified code: var field = arguments[0], value = arguments[1], metadata = field.metadata, dt = metadata.displaytype; field.element.css({‘text-align’: ‘right’}); // For currency, double, and percent fields, // manually override the field’s metadata // related to how many decimal points to display if (dt == ‘CURRENCY’ || dt == ‘DOUBLE’ || dt == ‘PERCENT’) { metadata.scale = 0; if (dt == ‘CURRENCY’ ) { metadata.displaytype = ‘DOUBLE’; } } // Run the field’s default renderer skuid.ui.fieldRenderers[dt]field.mode;