Issue with Picklist/Autocomplete/Combobox fields in modal when it's created from page-include

  1. Hello,

    Skuid Version: 13.0.17


    Preview page 1

  2. Press on ''Show Modal' Button
  3. Modal should be displayed outside of the gray box.
  4. Attempt to Change the picklist value for Field1 for UIModel, - Not possible
  5. Move the modal, so its above the gray box
  6. Attempt to change the picklist value for FIeld1 for UIModel - Possible

This is happening because the gray box is the area of page include, if the field in the modal is outside of the page include area then the picklist menu will not be shown.

Page 1 (parent page), ‘Temp_page_15_1_pageIncludeFields’:

Page 2 (child/include page), ‘Temp_page_15_2_pageIncludeFields’:



Hey @lukaspovilonis ,

Thanks for the detailed instructions. I was able to recreate your issue and this is indeed an issue. I have created a bug ticket to have the team look into this as well and create a fix.
