Hyperlink to Lightning App Page containing single Skuid page component

Hi All,

I’m having problems passing a record ID to a stand alone Skuid page in Lightning App Page.

The Skuid page is looking for an Account ID based on the Page/URL parameter value = Id. The Skuid page is embedded in a Lightning App Page which is a single region with the Skuid page loaded as a Lightning component.

I have made a formula field on the Opportunity to link to this page, passing the Account ID but the Lightning App Page is not accepting the ID. It’s loading but then ignores the Id parameter and just gives me standard page without and data.

How should a URL be constructed to pass an ID to a page in this way?

The page URL is ‘…lightning.force.com/lightning/n/MC_Licencing’.

I’ve tried adding ‘&id=0010r00000dLnu0AAC’ but I get a ‘page does not exist’ error.
I’ve tried adding ‘?id=0010r00000dLnu0AAC’ but it is ignored and the page loads as normal without any data.

This is pretty new to me so apologies if this is a school boy error.


Hey @Rob_Clough ,

Looking into this with the team, while we verify some things, have you tried editing the URL to have Id ? it could be case sensitive so I would say let’s try that out first and then we can look from there.

e.g: &Id=0010r00000dLnu0AAC


I got a bit further based on this - lightning aura components - How to pass query parameters in URL in Salesforce Summer 19 Release? - Salesforce Stack Exchange

So this gives me an id in the URL - ‘/lightning/n/MC_Licencing?c__Id=0010r00000dLnu0AAC’

And yeah, capitalising the ‘i’ helped too!

So now we’ve taken the Id and manually pulled it into the page using an action sequence. Not pretty but it works.

Would be good to know if there is a better solution though. Thanks.