Lightning Component Error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'publish' of undefined


Has anyone faced the error below with a lightning component before? Not exactly sure what it means.

I am getting this error with specific users, but I myself (an Admin) do not get this error when I look at the page.

[There was an error rendering a Skuid Page component for page DHC_Physician_Search

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘publish’ of undefined]

  • Hi Nicholas, are you still experiencing this issue?

    What version of Skuid are you using?

  • Since not all users are experiencing the error, it sounds like it might be related to permissions. Make sure these users have Skuid licenses and at least the Skuid page viewer permission set, as well as access to any records/objects they need for that specific page.
  • Do any of the users experiencing these errors have access to the Lightning App Builder? If so, have them open the app builder to see if the error persists. Sometimes these errors occur intermittently, but if there's a persistent error it will occur in the Lightning App Builder as well.
  • Hi Anna,

    We ended up resolving this, but can’t remember how. Might of been license related now that I think about it.

    Thanks for closing the loop, Nicholas. Glad to hear you were able to resolve this.