How to pass "Set" from JavaScript(skuid page) and get to in apex?

How to pass “Set” from JavaScript(skuid page) and get to in apex ?

Hi Viru, can you share more about your use case here and what you’re trying to accomplish?

It sounds like you’re trying to pass a list of values to Apex from Skuid, but we need some more details to advise you on the best way to accomplish this.

You can access Apex from Skuid by:

using the Action Framework to call an Invocable Method


Hi Anna , I have solved by passing list as string.
My question was -
var serviceId = ;

Now I was want to send this service ID to my web service as a List
not list
is it possible ?

  • Hi viru,

    To clarify, your web service expects a string? (‘Method’ is looking for a List, correct?)

  • If the web service is expecting a List, you need to convert it from List either in your Javascript snippet or in Apex by pulling the string data out of the object.