is it possible to with actions to move to a new tab?

I am trying to create a button that among other things moves the screen from one tab to another Much like a wizard would do.   

But I can’t seem to find anything that allows me to do this in actions.  Any Ideas?

Hi Alward, yes this is possible in Skuid. You can assign tabs a unique Id in the tab’s advanced properties and then reference these unique ids in Javascript and URL hashes (#). You can also reference tabs by their index number (0 for the first tab, 1 for the second, etc.)

Here’s a simple v1 page that uses a snippet to navigate to a new tab.

<skuidpage unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" showsidebar="true" showheader="true">
<tabset rememberlastusertab="false" defertabrendering="true" uniqueid="sk-NG2-325">
<tab name="Tab 1" uniqueid="tab1">
<buttonset uniqueid="sk-NGS-452" position="left">
<button type="multi" label="Go to Tab 2" uniqueid="sk-NGU-459" window="parent" url="/apex/skuid__ui?page=Community_tabNavigation#tab2">
<action type="custom" snippet="tab2"/>
<tab name="Tab 2" loadlazypanels="true" uniqueid="tab2">
<jsitem location="inlinesnippet" name="tab2" cachelocation="false">var params = arguments[0],
$ = skuid.$;
//navigate to the second tab in the set (0 is first tab, 1 is second tab, etc.) 
skuid.$("#sk-NG2-325").tabs( "option", "active", 1 );</jsitem>
<styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/>

For more detailed information check out Hope this helps to get you started!