Theme for required field


I have a custom theme where I have set a red border in the “Field Editor -> Field Input -> Border (required)” section. In this way, I can easily identify the required fields.

This configuration is working fine with fields that I set as required in Skuid but not for the ones which are already mandatory at Salesforce level. 

Any ideas about if this is possible or if I will need to use CSS?

Many thanks!

Are you still having this problem?

Could you share a picture to further demonstrate your problem?

Hello Stephen,

Many thanks for your comment.

Yes, we still have the issue:

As you could see in the image, even when both fields are set as required, the one mandatory at Salesforce level does not respect the format specified in the custom theme.


I see. What version of Skuid are you on? I’m currently unable to reproduce this in 11.2.8.

What I see is the SF required field is surrounded in red automatically - or as whatever I have it set as in the theme composer at “Field Editor -> Field Input -> Border (required)”. Then I see the Skuid determined required field surrounded in red if this “Required” field is checked.