Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at Object (native)

We are suddenly getting this error on this code. The code was working fine and now is it throwing this error.

skuid__JQueryJS:2 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Object (native)

var params = arguments[0],
$ = skuid.$;
alert(‘Are you sure that you want to Enroll in Private Lessons?’);console.log(‘start’);
// get the last day to create bookings to from the MMA_Enrollment object
var enrollment_end_date = skuid.model.getModel(‘MMA_Enrollment’).data[0].Enrollment_End_Date__c;
console.log(‘end date for enrollment’ + enrollment_end_date);

if (!enrollment_end_date){
// if that field is blank, alert the user and exit the code
window.alert(“There is no end date for this enrollment. Please enter an enrollment end date.”);

// get a javascript version of the last date
var last_date = skuid.time.parseSFDate(enrollment_end_date);
// open the bookings model so we can add records to it
var model = skuid.model.getModel(‘MMA_Private_Lesson_Enrollment_Booking’);

// check and see that the bookings model is not empty… the user should have created the first booking record
if (model.data.length > 0 ) {
// get the first record in bookings (record 0)
row = skuid.model.getModel(‘MMA_Private_Lesson_Enrollment_Booking’).data[0];
// console.log(row);
// get the value in the start date and time field
var start_date_and_time = row.Start_Date_And_Time__c;
// convert the salesforce value to a javascript date
var start_date = skuid.time.parseSFDateTime(start_date_and_time);
//console.log('start date as date ’ + start_date);
var end_date_and_time = row.End_Date_And_Time__c;
var end_date = skuid.time.parseSFDateTime(end_date_and_time);
//console.log('start date ’ + start_date_and_time + ’ end date ’ + end_date_and_time);
var lesson_number = row.Lesson_Number__c;
// use javascript date functions to extract the hour and minutes
var start_hour = start_date.getHours();
var start_minute = start_date.getMinutes();
var end_hour = end_date.getHours();
var end_minute = end_date.getMinutes();
//console.log('hours and minutes ’ + start_hour + " " + start_minute + " " + end_hour + " " + end_minute);
// set the counter we’re going to use as a safety valve
var counter = 1;
//console.log('before loop starts counter ’ + counter + 'start date ’ + start_date_and_time + ’ enrollment end date ’ + last_date);
// now we start creating bookings… each time we advance the date… when the date passes the end date the loop will stop
while (start_date <= last_date && counter < 100 ) {
var is_skip = Cal.is_skip_day(start_date).is_day;

        if (is_skip){
            console.log ('in else block for start date' + start_date);
            // Create a new row in our table
            var newRow = model.createRow(),
            // create an empty object to store the field values in
            rowUpdates = {};
            // Put in default values from the fields in our current row
            if (row) {
                $.each(row,function(fieldId,val) {
                    // Only allow fields that are Objects,
                    // or that are Createable
                    if (val !== null)  {
                        var modelField = model.getField(fieldId);
                        if ((typeof val === 'object') || (modelField &amp;&amp; modelField.createable)) {
                            //console.log('fieldId:' + fieldId + ' ' + val);
                            // for each field we check for the fields we want to apply special treatment to
                            // if we find one we supply a new value for the "val" variable
                            var sf_date=0;
                            if (fieldId =='Start_Date_And_Time__c'){
                            val = skuid.time.getSFDateTime(start_date);
                            if (fieldId =='End_Date_And_Time__c'){
                                val = skuid.time.getSFDateTime(end_date);
                            if (fieldId =='Lesson_Number__c'){
                                //console.log('old lesson number' + lesson_number);
                                if (is_day){
                                val = 0;
                                lesson_number = lesson_number + 1;
                                val = lesson_number;
                            //console.log('new lesson number' + val);
                            if (fieldId =='Booking_Price_actual__c'){
                                if (is_day){
                                val = 0;
                            //console.log('session tuition ' + val);
                            //if (fieldId =='MMA_Group_Class_Session_Description__c'){
                            //    if (is_day){
                                val = 0;
                            //    }
                            //console.log('session tuition ' + val);
                        // whatever val ended up being... we add it to the rowUpdates object
                        }//if val is an object
                    }//if val not = no
                });  // each
            } // if (row).. was the row created
            // now we use the rowUpdates object to update the whole row at once
            console.log('start date in loop ' + start_date);
            console.log( ' end date in loop ' + last_date );
            console.log( ' counter in loop ' + counter);
            console.log(start_date <= last_date);
        }//else for is skip
     }//counter greater than 1 
        // move the start date
            sf_date = start_date;
            sf_date.setDate(sf_date.getDate() + 7);
            val = skuid.time.getSFDateTime(sf_date);
            start_date = new Date(sf_date.getFullYear(),sf_date.getMonth(),sf_date.getDate(),start_hour,start_minute,0);

            sf_date = end_date;
            sf_date.setDate(sf_date.getDate() + 7);
            val = skuid.time.getSFDateTime(sf_date);
            end_date = new Date(sf_date.getFullYear(),sf_date.getMonth(),sf_date.getDate(),end_hour,end_minute,0);
        // increment the counter
        // reset the rowUpdates object to a new, and empty, object
        rowUpdates = {};
    } // while start date <= last date
// now we save all our new bookings
model.save({callback: function(result){ 
        // when salesforce finishes saving, then this function is called
            if (result.totalsuccess) { 
                // if the save was successful, then we update the display of the model in our form
            } else { 
            } // if result is totalsuccess
        } // the function
    }); // the callback
     window.alert("The first lesson is not entered. Please enter the first lesson.");

Here is the code for the Cal.is_skip

var $ = skuid.$;
if (typeof Cal===‘undefined’){Cal = {}}
Cal.is_skip_day = function(date_to_test){
skip_day_model_data = skuid.model.getModel(‘MMA_Academic_Season_Skip_Day’).data;
number_of_skip_days = skip_day_model_data.length;
//console.log('number of skip days ’ + number_of_skip_days)
date_to_test_string = Cal.convert_date(date_to_test);
//console.log(‘date string to test’ + date_to_test_string);
is_day = false;
skip_day_date = date_to_test_string;
skip_day_name = “Private Lesson”;

    for (i=0;i<number_of_skip_days;i++){
        skip_day_date = skip_day_model_data[i].Skip_Day_Date__c;
        //console.log('date to test ' + date_to_test_string + '= skip day date' + skip_day_date  );
        // console.log('date to test ' + date_to_test_string.toString() + '= skip day date' + skip_day_date.toString()  );
       skip_day_date = skip_day_date.toString();
        if (skip_day_date == date_to_test_string){
            //console.log ('========>is a skip day')
            is_day = true;
            skip_day_date =skip_day_model_data[i].Skip_Day_Date__c;
            skip_day_name =skip_day_model_data[i].Name;
            var result = {is_day:is_day,skip_day_date:skip_day_date,skip_day_name:skip_day_name};
     result = {is_day:is_day,skip_day_date:skip_day_date,skip_day_name:skip_day_name};
   // console.log(result);
    return result

Cal.convert_date = function(date_to_convert){
    var this_date = new Date(date_to_convert);

var year = this_date.getFullYear();
var month = this_date.getMonth() + 1;
month = month < 10 ? ‘0’+month : month;
var day = this_date.getDate();
day = day < 10 ? ‘0’+day : day;

var result = year + ‘-’ + month + ‘-’ + day;
return result;



This seems to have been brought up before here:
It might benefit you.