Adding Custom Component for Google Maps API in Bonzai

Hey everyone, 

 I’m trying to add the Google Maps custom component to my Skuid builder in Bonzai (which is great). I’ve created the Module Picklist value called Maps and I’ve uploaded the MapsBuildersJS.js and MapsJS.js static resources. It seems to be up and running via Sublime Text / Mavensmate for me. 

What am I missing to make this component appear in my skuid builder?

Is the Module for your skuid page set to “Maps”? There is a dropdown on the page settings where you can change the Module value.

Hi Moshe, I do have that dropdown option and when I select and save the ‘Map’ module option it still doesn’t show. =(

Just curious, what are the exact names of your Static resources. Do they have the “.js” on the end of the names?

The static resources names are ‘MapsBuildersJS’ and ‘MapsJS’. I was just using the .js above to ensure that I saved it as a javascript file. 

Ok, weird, if you grant Skuid access to your org using the instructions below, I’ll take a look.…

My superiors have decided to go with a custom Javascript and API call of our own. 

I’m having the exact same problem - added my Module picklist value, set the page to “Maps” as the Module, added the static resources (same names Kyle listed)…And I can’t get the Component to appear.  Gave access to Skuid (should you need it), and the page in question is called “Community_Mapping_develop”.  (It’s a Mobile page, if that makes a difference.)

To be honest, I have absolutely no knowledge of java or any of the other wizardry that’s happening, so I’m betting on user error.

(Sorry in advance, Kyle, if this thread blows up your inbox.)