New Page Template: Field Selection based on Field Usage % and related object usage

The current new page template help creating a page, but in a very minimal way. It would be cool if there was an option to include what’s likely to be added to the page.

So in the field editor, run javascript to review the usage percent on each field in order to determine which to include.

  • add field for use to set field usage %
  • query for the last 2000 or so records, and use code to add fields based on meeting the field usage %
  • add models for child relationship objects that have related records to the currently queried parent object, add them if they meet threshold, and check these fields
The resulting page would have the necessary models and components. The page would be very similar as the current template except for the following:

Detail Page
  • more fields in Field Editor
  • tab set for the related records
Tab Page
  • more fields in the main table
  • popup with more or less a Detail Page
I’m sure this design is the starting point, more or less, for many many skuid designers.

I have had this exact idea repeatedly at about 9:30 AM in the morning after drinking coffee. It’s basically applying machine learning to user interface design. Data-driven design. Don’t guess what your users need to see, use data! It’s awesome and I love it and want to do it.

And there’s so many more ways this idea could be extended. I especially like the idea of Skuid being smart in “suggesting” template pages for you to use based on common patterns you’ve used and actual usage of different fields, related objects, and components in your past pages / native UI page layouts / data and field population in actual records / visits to particular detail pages, with the ability for you to “influence” this “smart” behavior. That would be totally awesome.

For me, it’s during my morning shower that these ideas come to me. I had yet to get fully dressed when these ideas were being posted. :S